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An Urgent Warning

to Save Your Life

Video (10:02)

by Jon David Miller

holistic social scientist and educator

In my career of over five decades, I have researched and presented a vast amount of information on natural health and well-being, as well as about public poisons, conspiracy and deception. It is understandable yet disappointing to me that seemingly few of my friends and relatives have realized the importance of and investigated this crucial information.

I believe we who are alive at this time are here for the purpose of participating in a major transformation of humanity to a higher awareness.

However, we have been seriously misguided and manipulated by an international criminal cult, a cabal of elitists with wealth and power that controls finances, food, technology, the media, the medical tyranny, and many major corporations, governments and militaries.

These hidden controllers have used falsehood, bribery, seduction, blackmail, threat, fear, mind control and murder to drive their agents, placed in institutions throughout society, and guide the rest of us to a false reality of nescience (inability to know) or ignorance (unwillingness to know) regarding what is really going on.

In an incremental secret war against the people, these psychopaths want massive depopulation of the planet and full spectrum control of those remaining.

For decades they have been using psychological, legal and financial tricks, fraud, propaganda, brainwashing, unneeded regulations and secret technologies, as well as electromagnetic frequencies, vaccines, medicines and other public poisons, all to implement this totalitarian system.

My websites, ebooks and courses provide much background, details and resources for understanding all this. We must learn about it to break their spell, raise consciousness and move on to greater awareness and a better planet. Otherwise, the evil cult may eliminate real natural humans.



The urgency is now so great that I must urge you to jump directly to a more intensive level of knowledge regarding the dangers of the current “pandemic”.

We are being seriously misled about COVID, which is a technology, NOT A VIRUS, the shot, which is NOT A "VACCINE", and even the PCR "test", which is not a valid means of diagnosis.

The injection is designed for genetic modification of those who receive it as victims of depopulation eugenics, setting up future immune distress, infertility and possible early death. Another purpose is to infest the recipient with nano-bots, leading to survivors gradually becoming mind-controllable cyborgs through advanced nanotech.

This may sound like a sci-fi novel, but it is reality.

Do not trust the untruthful officials at the CDC, FDA, WHO, Fauci, Gates, etc., or their falsified numbers and the fear-based propaganda fed through the controlled media and complicit government functionaries.

The ties of the pharmaceutical industry to the media and to longstanding organizations favoring eugenics and depopulation needs to be understood. It is all controlled by a cultic cabal of corrupt psychopaths.

It is crucial you explore this information as soon as possible to have a hope of protecting yourself and your loved ones from complete domination by biological warfare and artificial intelligence. You must learn what the media and false authorities are not telling you.

Distraction, normalcy bias, cognitive dissonance and ignorance are no longer options or we will all soon be hybrid cyborgs -- biological robots with no personal thought or soul connection to others and to God.



The long pre-planned COVID project incorporates hidden technologies for insidious purposes.

Regular vaccines have been fraudulently promoted and administered for population control purposes all along. However, the rapidly-developed COVID products are NOT REALLY VACCINES.

A vaccine is a preparation that when administered is considered to prevent infection and transmission of an agent of disease, such as a bacteria or virus. However, none of these promoted “vaccine” products do that. In fact, they transmit a much worse disease.

Further, these insufficiently-tested new technologies are only approved for “emergency use” by the FDA. Those taking them are like guinea pigs in an unprecedented mass experiment.

(NOTE: The recent FDA "approved" Pfizer vaccine is not the one currently being served under "Emergency Authorization". The "approved" version is not yet on the market, but it will not be much better when it is. The FDA is run by Big Pharma. It does not serve the best interests of the people.)

Like all medicines and vaccines, these injections contain poisonous chemicals and biological contaminants.

Worse, these mRNA type products, never before used on humans, are forms of genetic modification that will foster infertility, damage organs, harm the brain and set up additional medical treatment down the road, unless or until it results in early death.

Synthetic biology nano-bots, programmable microscopic robots with carrying capacity, will deliver a technology into cells that can alter cellular DNA to produce foreign proteins that may evoke chronic auto-immune stress, inflammation and possibly death.

These nano-bots are also able to self-assemble into structures and affect the nervous system, which would lead to serious trouble ahead. Programmed by artificial intelligence through wi-fi, these high-tech invaders could gradually influence thoughts and emotions.

Grasping this may be a shock, especially for those who have already accepted the gene modification treatment being falsely promoted as a vaccine that will protect you.

Whistleblowers and medical experts claim that the effects of this intervention are irreversible. Do not despair though, I believe that there are advanced holistic natural protocols that can help.

Awareness about this attempted takeover of humanity is growing rapidly. An expanding network of good people are cooperating and organizing to reveal more and more details of the secret cabal and their evil plans and deeds, and exploring options for making things better.

We are on this planet at this time to experience and correct this elaborate exploitation of humanity, which also includes despicable human trafficking.

When enough people are awakened and informed, this great crime of human history can be stopped. The sunshine will expose the creatures of the dark and chase them away.

We must work together to raise consciousness and end this awful tyranny with determined action out of loving kindness and dedication to the creative awareness of God.

Please take the time to view the powerful videos below for disturbing revelations about the COVID operation that you must know and share immediately.

Then you can research the rest of the information about this and many other challenges and responses I have compiled for you through other posts here as well as e-books, articles and resources at SurviveTheChanges.com and my other websites.



Injuries from the COVID Shot:



Real Experts’ Opinions on COVID and the "Vaccines":


NOTE: Some of the professionals appearing in the video above still accept other vaccines as beneficial, without realizing that they have been previously misled. Nearly all vaccines are contaminated with serious health-threatening poisons, and now flu shots and childhood vaccines may have the hydrogel with polyethylene glycol and nano-bots added as well.

Experts' Opinions on COVID and the "Vaccines" Update:



Powerful Video on Dangers of COVID Test and the "Vaccines":


(NOTE: The narrator is too harsh on those who have been misled, but the information is extremely important.)


MUST SEE!: Wise Doctors Give History of False Vaccine Theory & Its Consequences:



Humans in Great Danger - Audio - Listen (7:33)


Click here for ongoing coverage about dealing with the COVID operation, and click here for extensive resources.

Learn more about the staged pandemic, the cabal of control and the many other challenges we are facing at: SurviveTheChanges.com. (NOTE: I provide a vast collection of resources regarding viruses and vaccines linked at the end of the pandemic article.)

Please visit ReallyWell.com for outstanding natural health information and products.


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