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for 2024-2025 Yeswise Insights Programs
with Links to Resources
Alternative Information
for Well-Beingissue
s ~ analysis ~ insightsby
Jon David Miller, M.A., M. Div.holistic educator, researcher, practitioner, philosopher & author
~ 60+ years of reality research ~
natural health wellness ~ human nature ~ economics ~ social sciences ~ philosophy
"We are living major history in the making. The deeper you dig and the higher you climb, the more you will learn."
digging deeper, climbing higher, more aware
Holistic Studies Seminars
now underway
Join me for a series of “need-to-know” seminars for awareness, improved health and better living.
My Holistic Learning Modules will be resource material for these seminars. Topics include natural health wellness, public poisons, holistic healing, socio-economic analysis, issues and concerns, survival preparedness, history, current events, economic, psychological problems and human nature.
Click here for the Holistic Natural Health Wellness Seminar.
(Click here for an overview video about Holistic Studies Seminars.)
Grandfather Jon has recorded homemade, close-up videos with his phone, practice performances of original songs. Enjoy the social analysis and life insights of holistic philosophy and thought expressed in these creative songs. Jon is a longtime storyteller, songwriter and performer of acoustic music - blues, ballads, life and inspiration.
Notes for 2024-2025 Yeswise Insights Programs
DISCLAIMER: The information provided at Natural Health Enterprises and Life Circle Media websites is for educational and entertainment purposes and is not intended as financial, psychological or medical diagnosis, treatment or advice, nor as a substitute for the advice of a qualified professional of any type.
Learn more with the many resources at and my related websites.
Join the movement to stop the psychopaths. There are many people working to expose their evil deeds, some of which are much worse than described here.
Spreading awareness is primary. Groups are forming everywhere for planning and tactical civic action.
Please pray and meditate on divine assistance. God is helping us.
Be grateful for the opportunity to help expel and eradicate evil from this dimension at this critical time.
, 2025:
Aware More Resources Research, January, 2025 - (Brighteon)
Aware More Resources Research, January, 2025 - (Rumble)
Become more aware through some of the resources I explored in the last month.
, 2025:
How and why did the proliferation of cancer come about over the last century?
Cancer does not come out of the blue. It develops as a result of underlying conditions of distress of the organism, which is really the only "dis-ease" there is. The effects of this distress erode a person's health over time.
People have been kept ignorant by the design of social engineers who leave natural health care out of education, leading to people having very poor nutritional and other health habits, and unaware of how to take care of themselves.
Cancer can be prevented, perhaps even stopped, by reducing the factors that cause distress. There are four interrelated aspects of this disease: tension, toxicity, malnutrition and inactivity.
Tension sets in from a variety of causes: life pressures, worries, fears, negativity, disapproval, manipulation, abuse, accidents -- any unreleased trauma great or small.
Stress and tension result from the money chase, deep debt, rat-race lifestyle the established system has set up for us. Add the psychological programming of the powers behind business, politics and media that generates concerns and fears that add to stress, and of course the challenges of one's personal life.
Toxicity and the presence of parasites cannot be avoided. This is the strongest influence on the incidence of cancer. We live in a polluted environment. Our air, water, soil, food, homes and bodies are all toxic to some degree, and parasitic organisms thrive in a toxic body.
A major factor is the damage from life-threatening public poisons and parasitical bioweapons dispersed into and around us intentionally. Poisons and microscopic parasites are affecting all of us. They are in the water, the food, the air and many of our household products.
We are abused with fluoride, aluminum, mercury and other heavy metals, ag chemicals such as glyphosate, additives to food, and radiation. Mosquitoes and ticks have been weaponized to deliver illness. There are yeast and fungi growing in our bodies, parasite eggs and mold spores in food and in the air from aerosol sprays, even hydra and other parasites in vaccines and medicines.
Injections and medicines used to treat the symptoms of the distress people suffer are themselves toxic chemicals, often containing heavy metals, synthetic biology, parasites, venoms and nanotechnology.
Chemicals, gases and heavy metals, from additives to public water, burning fuels, industrial waste, pesticides and herbicides are widespread. Genetically modified crops and animal-source foods from GMO fed livestock are unhealthy as well.
Electromagnetic frequencies from a vast number of sources bombard us, adding to our stress. LED light bulbs, computer screens and cell phones emit blue light that weakens health.Malnutrition affects almost everyone. For many years, the nutritional value of foods has been generally poor. Corporate interests have run the agricultural and food processing industries with a focus on profit -- greater production at less cost.
The mineral value of agricultural soils has diminished over time as the trace minerals are not restored with the use of chemical fertilizers. At the same time, much of our food is fractured and processed. It is prepared with shelf life and flavor in mind, rather than ideal nutrition.
Inactivity and lack of physical exercise are too common in our sedentary society. Activity has gone down as screen time has increased.
The conditions of distress feed each other. Tension bogs down digestion and causes tissues to hold toxins. Toxicity impairs delivery of nutrients to tissues and irritates the cells so they cannot function as well. Nutritional deficiency weakens tissues leaving them more susceptible to tension and toxicity.
Some of the mix of toxins, parasites and other harm we are exposed to affect the glandular system, reducing fertility and changing body chemistry. Others harm the brain and nerves, lungs, digestive system, liver, kidneys, heart, blood, bones and other organs.
Poor food quality and combinations of food that interfere with good digestion tend to leave undigested food residues that spoil, creating toxic waste and gases in the intestines that circulate throughout the body and cause tissues to deteriorate, undermining health.
Counter Cancer
To counter cancer, the natural health principles of relaxation, detoxification, life supporting nutrition and exercise are essential. If one is disabled, a combination of limited exercise, deeper breathing, physical therapy and massage will help move the fluids of the body.Toxins are generally acidic. Most diseases and virtually all cancers occur in a body that is overly acid. Meats, dairy products, wheat foods, coffee, soft drinks, sugar and alcohol are all acidifying, as are many food additives. It is usually helpful to pursue extra oxygen, antioxidants and alkalization.
Wheat is very problematic as a food, with thousands of irritant toxins. Some analysts claim the wheat has been engineered to be less nutritious and more toxic. Many people are allergic to wheat without realizing it, especially the gluten in it.
The chemistry of stress is also acidic to various organs of the body. Most people today are too acidic in their metabolism from acid forming foods and stress.
When the results of metabolism are detected in urine and saliva as acidic, organs are being stressed. With extended conditions of excess acidity and toxins, the body is more susceptible to degenerative diseases, including heart disease, diabetes and other blood sugar imbalances, nervous system disorders, arthritis, and cancer.
Adequate oxygen is absolutely needed to keep cancer at bay. Dr. Otto Warburg discovered in 1931 that cancer cells do not thrive in an oxygen-rich alkaline environment.
A more
alkaline forming and phytonutrient rich diet in conjunction with purging parasites, detoxification, improving digestion and oxygenating the body with appropriate nutritional supplements and exercise, can lead to an improvement in many health conditions. Herbs such as larrea (chaparral) and pau d’arco (“taheebo tea”), vitamins A, C and D, enzymes, pigments (chlorophyll - greens, carotenes - turmeric), antioxidant nutrients (N-Acetyl L-Cysteine, glutathione, flax seed, turmeric) and oxygen supplements are favored by many as preventives.ancer, stress, toxicity, nutrition, psychological, fear, tension, frequencies, poison, natural, health, parasites, chemicals, metals, water, vaccine, medicine, synthetic, biology, venom, nanotechnology, nutrients, deficiency, oxygen, alkalinec
Aware More Resources Research, December, 2024 - (Brighteon)
Aware More Resources Research, December, 2024 - (Rumble)
Become more aware through some of the resources I explored in the last month.
virus, poison, nicotine, parasites, cancer, bioweapon, geoengineering, crypto, child, trafficking, abuse, financial, UFO, economic, war, health, corruption, aliens, money, history, conspiracies, socialism, drones, orbs, dental
Economic Outlook, 2025 - (Brighteon)
Economic Outlook, 2025 - (Rumble)
The world continues to change rapidly. An economic crisis still looms large on the horizon as the underlying problems of fiat currencies, excessive debt, potential bond default, bank insolvency, business closures and rising unemployment are all in play as we move into 2025.
A severe economic recession seems to be developing. Many companies are already projecting more layoffs in the next year. Some will close completely, especially those with failing earnings and high debt.
The retail, travel-tourism and service sectors will likely be hit hard, also anything else much beyond necessities, and those may be hard to come by or afford.
Economic Collapse?
Many economic analysts believe that a serious financial crash is underway. The dollar, after strengthening temporarily as nations unload much of their holdings of U.S. bonds, will diminish substantially in value with more rampant inflation unless there is a radical change.
There are less buyers of U.S bonds such that they are monetized by inflationary excess FED money creation. Some are worried that banks may not function or will "bail-in" depositors’ money as their bond and real estate assets are falling in value.
A revision of the monetary system to currencies backed with assets such as gold, silver, other rare minerals, oil, agricultural production, etc., could be an avenue for improvement. The question is how to deal with the vast debt.
Financial experts such as Jim Rickards, Martin Armstrong, Catherine Austin Fitts, Jim Willie, Peter Schiff, Michael Snyder and many others, anticipate a severe unavoidable financial collapse due to:
~ over-leveraged debt
~ shaky derivatives, bonds and commercial real estate
~ inflation
~ bank insolvency
~ store closures
~ unemployment
~ shortages in food and other items
~ war
~ and more to come.
Food shortages are developing due in part to:
~ transportation system problems
~ incentives for not planting
~ crop and livestock destruction
~ disasters at food production and processing facilities
~ “recalls” of a variety of food items
~ hoarding by wealthy elites in their underground bunkers
~ coming unavailability of normal foods
This could accelerate the promotion of undesirable food alternatives - eg., insects, meal worms and lab meats.
There could be many other shortages, as well as much higher prices, as the economy dives into deep recession, perhaps a depression.
Beyond that, the control cabal is apparently trying to crash the economy world-wide, especially western societies, as well as promoting:
Make plans for challenges, and work with others to make things better.
economic, crisis, currencies, debt, bond, default, bank, insolvency, business, closure, unemployment, recession, layoffs, collapse, financial, crash, dollar, inflation, money, real estate, gold, silver, derivatives, shortage
December, 2024:
To Control, Impair or Kill You - (Brighteon)
To Control, Impair or Kill You - (Rumble)
The upper echelon agents of the global control cabal have brainstormed, planned and executed modalities of control, manipulation and depopulation for well more than a century. Their increasing methods of propaganda, limitations and illness have impaired us our whole lives.
Here are some revelations in their own words about this.
"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of."
- Edward Bernays, from Propaganda, 1928
"To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas."
- Brock Adams, former Director of UN Health Organization
"The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill . . . . But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap of mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself."
- The Club of Rome, "The First Global Revolution", 1991
“In earlier times it was easier to control a million people, literally, it was easier to control a million people, than physically to kill a million people. Today it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people; it is easier to kill than to control."
-- Zbigniew Brezinski (former National Security Advisor, co-founder of The Trilateral Commission, Presidential Advisor)
"The present vast overpopulation, now far beyond the world carrying capacity, cannot be answered by future reductions in the birth rate due to contraception, sterilization and abortion, but must be met in the present by the reduction of numbers already existing. This must be done by whatever means necessary."
- Initiative for the United Nations, ECO-92 Earth Charter
“Very little work is in progress on immunological methods, such as vaccines, to reduce fertility, and much more research is required if a solution is to be found here.”
The Rockefeller Foundation planned to seek and fund “ . . . established and beginning investigators to turn their attention to aspects of research in reproductive biology that have implications for human fertility and its control.”
- The Rockefeller Foundation, Annual Report, 1968
“Depopulation should be the highest priority of U.S. foreign policy towards the Third World.”
"World population needs to be decreased by 50%."
"Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world."
"The elderly are useless eaters."
"The pandemic will alter the world order." (2020)
- Henry Kissinger, former U.S. Secretary of State and National Security Advisor, member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg conference
"If I were reincarnated, I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels."
- Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, head of the World Wildlife Fund, in "Are You Ready for Our New Age Future?" - Insiders Report, American Policy Center, December, 1995
"If we do a really great job on vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower the global population by perhaps about 10 to 15 percent."
- Bill Gates, vaccine advocate, founder of Microsoft and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, speaking in a "TED Talk", Feb, 2010
"Putting in tens of millions of 5G antennae without a single biological test of safety has to be about the stupidest idea anyone has had in the history of the world."
-- Martin L. Pal, PhD - Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Medical Sciences at Washington State University
control, kill, cabal, manipulation, depopulation, propaganda, society, government, pollution, global, warming, shortage, enemy, overpopulation, abortion, vaccine, fertility, reproductive, pandemic, virus, health, 5G, biological, history, world
Aware More Resources Research, November, 2024 - (Brighteon)
Aware More Resources Research, November, 2024 - (Rumble)
Become more aware through some of the resources I explored in the last month.
ber, 2024:
Geoengineering Poisons Us - (Brighteon)
Geoengineering Poisons Us - (Rumble)
If you keep your eye on the sky on days with visibility, you will probably notice eventually a whole sector or even the whole sky full of unusually long persistent streaks of aerosols. Often you will notice the airplanes at work emitting these sprays, also called “chemtrails”.
Some of these air tankers are piloted, and some are programmed drones on autopilot. There is evidence that regular commercial aircraft are being used as well, either fueled with geoengineering ingredients in the fuel or sometimes being outfitted with separate tanks and aerosolizing equipment.
Chemicals and More
The sprays, consisting of coal fly ash, heavy metals, especially nano aluminum, biological agents and more, are not normally coming from the airplane's engine exhaust like occasional contrail ice, although chemical agents such as sulfates are now added to fuels. The bulk of the aerosols are often sprayed from nozzles deployed on planes dedicated to the purpose of spraying.
Studying these chemical sprays when they are being dispersed, we see that they cross the sky and last a long time. Often the aerosol trails crisscross each other. They gradually expand out into artificial cirrus chem-clouds, wispy odd-looking streaks, often with abnormal layering or ribbing.
This spraying process has been introduced incrementally over more than a 30-year period to get the public gradually used to seeing the haze in the sky. In recent years they have brazenly filled the skies with X's and stripes due to the success of their subterfuge.
Is This About Global Warming?
The metals sprayed in the sky are said to be placed there to reflect away sunrays warming the Earth, "solar dimming", supposedly to cool the atmosphere.
Officials, strategists and technicians with insider awareness of the spraying, when cornered, have cited "stratospheric aerosol geo-engineering" (SAG), "stratospheric aerosol injection" (SAI) or "climate engineering" for "solar radiation management" (SRM) or "solar mitigation" to reduce "global warming" or solar luminosity to reduce environmental harm.
This impressive sounding terminology is offered in conjunction with hyping climate change as the justification for the spraying of aerosols as well as the population being guided to reduce the "carbon footprint" of human activities.
In fact, there are little-known international agreements for developed nations to pursue geo-engineering, purportedly as an environmental trade-off for their greater "carbon emissions". Further, there are contractors, patents, equipment, frequencies and strategic mixtures of substances involved.
It is really a tool of weather modification. Storms, droughts, even fires can be created, moved or modified with frequencies applied to the metals in the sprays. These are then blamed on “climate change”.
Such weather manipulation has been around for decades. “Operation Popeye” was the rain seeding program used by the USA military as a weapon in the Viet Nam War to wash out the trails for enemy supplies and troop movements.
Other Purposes
The powers that be like to accomplish multiple objectives in their projects. There are several purposes of geo-engineering.
Another purported rationale for the spraying is to form a defensive dome against foreign aerial attacks. It also enhances military communications.
Some investigators believe the corporate controllers are using these technologies for nefarious purposes, such as generating severe weather conditions, stressing people's health, "dumbing" us down for multi-faceted manipulation and gradual reduction of the population.
Geoengineering, then, is multi-purpose. It is used for weather manipulation affecting the environment and other earth changes, also electronic warfare, and communications. At the same time, it is a weapon against the population as mass poisoning, biological impairment and mind control.
Side Effects
The perpetually renewed haze with its reduced sunlight is unhealthy for living organisms, contributing to serious vitamin D deficiency in humans and animals, deterioration and death of trees and plant life, and the extinction of thousands of species.
On the other hand, the sprays are damaging the ozone layer, allowing more ultra-violet UV-B rays through, which are harmful to most living entities. Abnormal levels of extremely harmful UV-C rays are now reaching us as well. This may be contributing to some of the mass deaths of trees and animals.
Geo-engineering fallout is also altering ocean currents and weather systems, causing arctic ice to soften and release methane. That could ruin the atmosphere and the planet before long.
There is also speculation about high-tech mind or behavior control involving HAARP or the nanobots in the aerosols or both.
Some watchdogs argue that the elitist powers behind the scenes are poisoning the people with aluminum, barium, GMO's, fluoride, aspartame, glyphosate, graphene and other chemicals in the air, food, water and medicines to dumb down, weaken, control and eliminate population.
The code name “Operation Indigo Skyfold”, sometimes called “Skyfall”, was used to describe the effect of airborne distribution of fluoride and other poisons in diminishing the pineal gland and reducing intelligence in conjunction with other avenues of poisoning. The pineal, instrumental in intuition, creativity and spirituality, is associated with the color indigo.
Meanwhile, the health problems from public poisons drive people to the elitists’ medical establishment for more poisons and profits in the process.
Analysis has also found unusually high levels of molds, algae and fungi as well as other microbes, and even human red blood cells and parasite eggs in the aerosols. There can be graphene oxide carbon fiber material as well, which may serve in part as a delivery mechanism for other contaminants.
More and more people are becoming allergic to molds, fungi and other airborne biological substances, as immune systems weaken from the many abuses and inadequate vitamin D.
Submicron "smart dust" is made up of engineered nanobots that have been found in these chemtrail aerosol sprays. These are nanoscale particles with a power supply, sensors and a means of communication. This was the brainchild of the U.S. Military's Defense Advance Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
Analysis by independent scientists suggests that these nano-crystal semiconductors surrounded by an organic shell are being delivered into our bodies in air, food, water, vaccines and other medicines to self-replicate highly engineered devices that are designed to change us into some type of hybrid transhuman robots.
Microscopic crystals, many shaped like hexagons and pyramids, are present in the mix. These may be the tiny brains that guide the replication and assembly of the graphene and other strange high-tech items that they are putting into us.
The presence of these miniature devices inside us may make us susceptible to the effects of frequencies and communications to manipulate and control us more than they have been able to do already with television, fluoride, vaccinations, aspartame, electromagnetic fields, etc.
It may be possible with these technologies, in conjunction with broadcast capability like HAARP technology and the 5G cell phone and wi-fi system to stress and disturb people mentally, or even deliver messages directly to our brains to control our individual thinking.
We must demand revelation of the harm that geoengineering sprays and other public poisons have done and make sure these are stopped. There are reports that white hat operatives have taken over the aerosols to spray materials that counteract the harm. Meanwhile there are detoxification protocols and emf protection devices to help us.
Public Poisons
coal fly ash fluoride lead
aluminum molds & fungi mercury
barium parasite eggs GMOs
nanobots blood cells glyphosate
graphene aspartame
geoengineering, poison, aerosols, spray, chemtrails, heavy metals, nano, aluminum, biological, weather, modification, ozone, barium, GMO's, fluoride, aspartame, glyphosate, smart dust, HAARP, 5G, wi-fi
Mask Madness Recycling? - (Brighteon)
Mask Madness Recycling? - (Rumble)
The annual “flu season” promotion has been rolling for weeks. The threat of “COVID” is now included of course. Some people have resumed wearing facial masks due to the false propaganda fear porn of the fake pandemic and unlawful requirements of four years ago.
It is time to review the mask warning I put out back in 2020.
Wearing a facial mask for more than a few minutes is ill-advised as it is very unhealthy. Many have been harmed by mask-caused illness, including symptoms like those of what is called “COVID”.
Could a recycled promotion of wearing a mask be used to increase the potential for a repeat “pandemic” for purposes of medical agency interference in our lives again?
A mask only reduces some of the spraying of mucus or saliva by coughing, sneezing or talking from being broadcast. Most people have learned to block such spraying with a sleeve, handkerchief or tissue.
Hospital personnel normally wear masks, at least in the past, only in surgery and possibly in the ICU to prevent spray from any coughs, sneezes or speaking from entering a patient's wound.
Does wearing clothes prevent the passing of gas from smelling in a room? If there were a virus, it could pass through a mask like a mosquito can pass through a wire fence.
How about this test: shoot a blast of spray deodorant through one of your masks and see what comes through it. What are called viruses are much smaller than that.
According to Shiva Ayyadurai, PhD, MIT bio-medical engineer, Dr. Thomas Cowen, M.D., Dr. Andrew Kaufman, M.D., pH expert Dr. Robert Young, PhD, as well as molecular biologist and virus expert Judy Mikovitz, PhD, Dr. Rashid Buttar, D.O., now deceased, and many other health professionals, there is no reason for a healthy person to wear a mask, and it is even worse for someone who is ill.
It is seriously harmful to reduce oxygen intake and recycle CO2 and other waste by wearing a mask. Someone with respiratory issues or a dormant infection of some type are even more at risk in restricting their breathing and drawing expelled waste back into their system.
Wearing a mask increases the risk of illness as the oxygen level goes down and the carbon dioxide and acidity levels increase. This could exacerbate a chronic condition or cause irreversible brain damage.
Mask wearing, social distancing and business closures as a few years ago are unnecessary and stressful.
These psychological tools of manipulation and interference erode liberty. They are designed to motivate the acceptance of poisonous injections that create more health problems and insert nanotechnology for later control of mind and body.
Review and Suggestions:
- A mask is ineffective in preventing intake of any “virus”, which could pass through a mask like a small bug through a wire fence.
- Wearing a mask blocks some of the spraying of mucus and saliva, but it is ineffective in blocking viruses.
- Wearing a mask recycles one’s own waste back into the body, potentially worsening health. If you are experiencing fever, coughing or sneezing, avoid being near other people until these symptoms subside.
- Wearing a mask risks the development of "mask disease", illness from oxygen deprivation and breathing in waste and CO2.
- Wear a mask briefly only if a business, medical facility or an official order requires a facial covering. Try to get in and out as soon as possible, removing the mask upon exit.
- There is no reason to wear a mask outside unless exposed to abnormal airborne contaminants such as heavy pollen, fumes, dust or smoke, which should be avoided if possible.
- It is especially important to be able to breathe freely and take in adequate oxygen for outdoor activities, exercise and work effort.
- Wearing a mask while driving is dangerous as people have passed out due to restricted oxygen, resulting in crashes and even deaths.
- Commercial masks contain toxic chemicals, and may contain graphene oxide or nanotech to foster illness.
- If your employer requires wearing a mask, let them know that this is very unhealthy and of little use in preventing transmission of infection. Share the information with fellow workers and organize to demand a change of policy if needed, if the requirement is not mandated by government officials, even though it is unlawful.
- Support any movement, petition or lawsuit to cancel any official mask orders as unreasonable and unlawful.
- In 2020 Attorney Lee Dundas warned that wearing a mask is harmful, possibly deadly and a potential legal liability for those mandating it.
- Share this information with friends and relatives, suggesting they pass it on.
In my opinion the mask idea is an improper guideline used in a psychological operation as a symbol of a fabricated crisis presented by vested medical interests for purpose of vaccine marketing, and worsened by ignorant officials exercising unwarranted control measures for political purposes.
“There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask.” – Dr. Anthony Fauci, on CBS 60 Minutes, March, 2020
"The wide use of masks by healthy people in the community setting is not supported by current evidence and carries uncertainties and critical risks."
- The World Health Organization, April 6, 2020
“We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection.”
– The New England Journal of Medicine, May 21, 2020
“The Unmasked Buried The Masked In The ‘Spanish Flu.’ What Did People In Masks Die From? Bacterial Pneumonia. Who Knew This And Wrote About It In 2008? Fauci!”
– Before It’s News, Tuesday, November 10, 2020
mask, virus, pandemic, oxygen, carbon dioxide, oxygen deprivation, vaccine, COVID, shot, injection, poison, death, illness, disease, medical, natural, health, parasite, fraud, graphene, nanotech, bioweapon, psyop
Aware More Resources Research, October, 2024 - (Brighteon)
Aware More Resources Research, October, 2024 - (Rumble)
Become more aware through some of the resources I explored in the last month.
research, resources, solutions, health, issues, casualty, hurricane, Helene, rescue, republic, cabal, bloodline, political, theatre, white hat, operation, silver, cell phone, bonds, joe rogan, Illuminati, election
October, 2024:
Political Theatre - (Brighteon)
There are some questions behind the scenes of the political theatre now in its climaxing phase. The vitriol and animosity for the opposing candidate is as vicious as ever.
What kind of presidential campaign is this? Is it real? Are the candidates real? Will there be a clear election result? Will it be contested? Is the military to be involved?
“World War III is a guerilla information war with no division between military and civilian participation.” – Marshall McLuhan
Will the control cabal be exposed and removed from power? Is the corporate government being dissolved? Could there be another election after November? Will there be major changes in the operation of the government?
Can economic turmoil be avoided with a new system and revised currencies, banking, taxes, etc.?
Political Productions
Staged events Scripted interviews
Fictional narratives Modified media
War rhetoric Casualty events
Shifting polls Strange debates & events
Assassination attempts Non-participation
Voting procedures Cheating & fraud
Candidate switches Party switches
Undesirable candidates Shifted support
False claims Outlandish statements
Accusations Denials
Arrests Show trials
Distraction Derision
Animosity Division
Labels Coded messages
Actors Masks
political, theatre, candidate, presidential, campaign, contested, election, military, control, cabal, government, change, system, currencies, banking, taxes, interview, debate, media, voting, cheating, party, accusation, arrest, trial
Weapons Attacking Us - (Brighteon)
Weapons Attacking Us - (Rumble)
We are experiencing a wide-ranging war for control of our social systems, minds and bodies. Much of this war has been hidden from public attention as it involves mostly unconventional warfare. The exposed document, “Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars” describes the process.
The secret planners behind the control cabal that think they are in charge of us all, have a long-term goal of depopulation, dominance and technological slavery.
Their planned and implemented psychological programs, poisons and frequencies are designed to eliminate old and disabled folks no longer profitable in their financial slavery system.
They also poison children and young adults to reduce their intelligence, lower their fertility and generate health ailments leading to future medical treatments, profits and control.
Subjected to fluoride, geoengineering sprays and other environmental poisons, injected with poisonous concoctions, or killed or harmed in wars, many are weakened or eliminated, and impaired from having children.
Poisons, biological weapons, Directed Energy Weapons, nanotechnology, Artificial Intelligence, infiltration, surveillance, data mining, psychological operations, mind programming and disinformation are in play, as well as conventional military equipment.
What are called the “white hats” are those working to expose and stop tyranny by the cabal of longstanding wealthy families and their operatives. Great progress has been made, and a growing number of people are becoming aware.
However, those remaining evil actors on the dark side still have the potential to generate mass chaos with the agents and technologies they control.
It is crucial for people to understand that no matter how our lifestyle has been for many years, major changes can occur rapidly, even suddenly. Every household needs to be prepared for disturbances in the normal distribution avenues of food, water, electricity and other necessities.
If the power were out, how would you get food or water after a couple of days? What would others in your community do? How far could you go on just the fuel in your tank if none were available to buy or trade?
What if natural or unnatural disasters caused roads to be blocked or destroyed so delivery trucks could not get through? What if there was little or no access to fuel? Transportation systems would be disrupted, and deliveries of food, water and other supplies would be curtailed or very limited.
It is possible for the power grid as well as batteries of most types to be knocked out by an electromagnetic pulse (EMP). It could take years to restore the grid to normal functioning after massive damage. It may take even longer to replace vehicles and appliances damaged by an electro-magnetic zap.
The amount of food stocked in local grocery stores would be gone in one day or less as people realize that supplies may not be replenished. They currently only stock enough of most items for about 3 days of routine sales. They would not even be able to operate without power.
Disaster scenarios have already happened on a large scale in many areas in the U.S.A. and around the world. Food supplies for much of the world have been short for many years now. A major setback like flooding can destroy homes and cut the supply of necessities severely.
Federal and state emergency services are woefully inadequate and may barely function in a situation such as a major hurricane, a tsunami, an earthquake, a volcanic blast, a poisonous gas cloud, or loss of all electrical power.
Food storage and storing water are at the top of the list of preparedness. It is crucial to keep enough of these on hand for several weeks at the very least for everyone in your household. Some of those who have already prepared for such emergencies have enough survival supplies for six months, a year or more, which is wise.
“Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars”
5th Gen Unconventional Warfare
directed energy
artificial intelligence
fear, threat of harm division & order out of chaos
problem-reaction-solution deception & confusion
economic servitude & poverty debt-based financial system
taxes & inflation money, banking, bonds & interest
crime, criminal operations fraud, bribery & money laundering
corporate government bureaucratic agencies
limited education false information
propaganda & censorship media & entertainment
staged events, psyops mind control
disasters & shortages social disorder
war reduced rights (eg, Patriot Act)
politics legal system
intelligence operations surveillance, interference, AI
poor food choices, junk food insufficient nutrition
public poisons chlorine, fluoride
plastics household & personal care chemicals
technology nanotech, graphene, hydrogel
pharmaceuticals “viruses”, syn-bio & vaccines
ag-chemicals GMOs, glyphosate
geoengineering, SAI lead, mercury, aluminum, barium
nuclear radiation frequencies, Directed Energy Weapons
cell phones & wi-fi targeting blood-types & DNA
weapons, war, cabal, depopulation, control, poisons, frequencies, debt, slavery, fertility, health, medical, fluoride, geoengineering, nano-technology, AI, media, disaster, financial, psychological, wi-fi, crime, psyop, legal, pandemic
Aware More Resources Research, September, 2024 - (Brighteon)
Aware More Resources Research, September, 2024 - (Rumble)
Become more aware through some of the resources I explored in the last month.
poisons, nano-tech, blood, detox, 9-11, fraud, planet, change, property, tax, migrant, gangs, criminals, history, Tartaria, civil war, et, republic, control, agenda, bioweapons, Helene, strike, shortage
September, 2024:
ism and Communism - (Brighteon)
Socialism and Communism - (Rumble)
Socialism and Communism can and have been blended with Capitalism, revealing that they are actually forms of fascism. The elite planners of the longstanding global control cabal have engineered this gradual process to restore and maintain authoritarian dominance.
Socialism promises equitable distribution of goods, services and wealth, but ultimately the socialist planners seek an end to individual ownership of property. The corporate state government, including big corporations in a conglomerate with state bureaucracies, owns most real estate, means of production and wealth.
The big shots get bigger pieces of pie, and the regular folks get just enough to get by.
Communism installs the ruling elite in high positions of substantial reward, with worker groups serving the state conglomerate at essentially subsistence wages. A bureaucracy of social planners and agents directed by the elite group of political leaders and oligarchs operate the show. Freedom of expression is limited by censorship, intimidation and persecution.
The term Capitalism simply refers to the means of funding business ventures. If I have the funds I can start a business, but in a hierarchical system there will be limitations on activities and rewards. Meanwhile the rich get richer.
In highly controlled societies, wealthy elite oligarchs along with political and military insiders control most resources, production, crime, corruption and officialdom to profit from their business operations without significant competition or hindrance.
Social Control Propaganda Buzzwords
~ diversity ~ equity
~ racist, racism ~ underprivileged
~ social fairness ~ inclusion
~ legal, illegal ~ social justice
~ order ~ gun control
~ control ~ social security
~ ethics ~ universal health care
~ virus, pandemic ~ vaccines
~ climate change ~ global warming
~ sustainability ~ carbon emissions footprint
~ democracy ~ threat to our democracy
socialism, communism, capitalism, fascism, control, cabal, wealth, property, corporation, government, production, bureaucracy, political, oligarch, business, crime, corruption, social, equity, diversity, gun, pandemic, climate, sustainability, democracy
Fascism denotes a tendency to autocratic government, with a dictator or junta, a controlled society and suppression of opposition.
Fascism may involve an alliance of power between secret societies, government, and/or organizations, and/or corporations in attempted dominance of the population. This might be called falsely legitimized organized crime.
Fascism, from the Latin word fasces, is represented in symbol by a hard-to-break bundle of sticks, representing a united coalition.
Fascism has been growing in the USA throughout our history, especially since the Civil War. “Operation Paper Clip” that brought Nazis from Germany into positions in the USA after World War II, gradually embedded fascism here more deeply.
Find the fasces symbol of the control cabal on the back of a dollar bill in the bundle of arrows held in the talon of the phoenix, and in the bundled sticks on the back of a dime, now in the form of a torch.
The goals of the fascist control cabal are: depopulation, ownership of all resources and substantial assets, and full-spectrum dominance of the remaining populace.
Fascist insiders in the USA include some leaders and other officials of secretive groups, spy agencies, government, bureaucracies, the media, social media, the military, the law, the courts, the Federal Reserve and major banks, the medical/pharmaceutical conglomerate, and many large corporations in key industries such as oil, chemicals, technology and defense.
The first step in ending fascism is recognizing and exposing it.
Elements of Fascism
~ control of information ~ control of media
~ deception, fraud, corruption ~ staged events & “false flags”
~ propaganda, hypnosis, division ~ mind control, confusion, trauma, fear
~ criminal actions & enterprises ~ control of institutions
~ control of government ~ control of education
~ control of law & courts ~ control of policing
~ limited civil rights & liberties ~ ridicule & suppression of opposition
~ secret societies, oaths ~ blackmail, threat, torture, murder
~ control of money & banking ~ control of medicine/pharmaceuticals
~ control of distribution ~ control of major industries & tech
~ control of military ~ generation of war profits
~ control of taxation ~ control/seizure of property & assets
fascism, government, power, secret, corporations, crime, spy, agencies, media, military, courts, banks, medical, oil, technology, defense, symbol, money, banking, education, war, profits, liberties, opposition, rights
Aware More Resources Research, August, 2024 - (Brighteon)
Aware More Resources Research, August, 2024 - (Rumble)
Become more aware through some of the resources I explored in the last month.
Aware More Resources Research Links
virus, vaccine, injection, poison, health, analysis, assassination, update, nation, war, control, cabal, financial, crisis, EMF, nanobot, nanotechnology, robot, frequency, geoengineering, secret, weapon, president, alien, government
How many poisons can you take in without suffering ill effects?
For more than a century, the population has been subjected to a growing variety and increasing amounts of mass public poisons. Some of these are harmfully affecting you and your loved ones continuously.
Due to the influence and control of a powerful cabal made up of leaders of secretive organizations, think tanks, interlocking corporations and bureaucratic organizations, toxic chemical and biological agents are used in agriculture, food processing, water treatment, pharmaceutical medicines, atmospheric aerosols and many commonly used products, that are highly toxic and severely harmful to health and life.
Why? To reduce intelligence and undermine the health of the population, while driving business to the corrupt pharmaceutical industry, preoccupying families with health problems, and ultimately shortening lives.
Common Public Poisons
chlorine fluoride
pharma medicines vaccines
viruses, venoms graphene oxide
pesticides (eg, DDT) herbicides (eg, glyphosate)
sugar corn syrup
food & product additives household chemicals
geoengineering aluminum, barium
parasites mold
nanotechnology radiation, frequencies
poison, illness, death, population, cabal, secret, bureaucratic, organization, corporations, toxic, chemical, biological, agent, agriculture, food, processing, water, pharmaceuticals, medicine, aerosols, health, life, intelligence, pharma, geoengineering
August, 2024:
Be Ready for a Shock - (Brighteon)
Be Ready for a Shock - (Rumble)
Whether or not you think our conditions are normal, calm and healthy, or bizarre, distressed and ill, a coming major shock event is likely.
Distraction entertainment, political theater and propaganda are in play, which reduce attention on the signs of disturbance in progress.
It is wise to do some research and be as prepared as possible because society may not function well for some while during and after such a crisis.
Likely Major Shock Events
“Monkey Pox” (“COVID”, “Bird Flu”) Pandemic Emergency
Nano-tech/Frequency Invasion Physical & Mental Illness
Bond Default / Dollar Implosion Financial Collapse
Terror Attacks Domestic War
Nemesis / Planet-X System Earth Change Disasters
Power Outage Economic & Social Chaos
shock, political, propaganda, disturbance, prepared, society, crisis, monkey-pox, covid, bird-flu, pandemic, emergency, nano, tech, illness, dollar, financial, collapse, terror, war, nemesis, planet-x, earth, change, disaster
July, 2024:
Aware More Resources Research in July, 2024 - (on Brighteon)
Aware More Resources Research in July, 2024 - (on Rumble)
virus, vaccine, shot, antarctic, predictions, clones, deception, population, analysis, shooting, assassination, update, inside job, nation, war, politician, arrest, marshal, financial, scripted, crisis, alien, races, government
Planned Emergency - (on Brighteon)
Planned Emergency - (on Rumble)
Have many of the emergency events of our lifetimes been planned?
Who does the planning? Cabal leaders and their think tanks.
Why? Psychological operations, propaganda, deception, manipulation, mind control, technological takeover, depopulation of the “useless” and control of the useful.
Were These Emergencies Planned?
Pearl Harbor Gulf of Tonkin
9-11 “weapons of mass destruction”
ISIS school shootings
climate change global warming
earthquakes, volcanoes storms, floods, droughts, wildfires
degenerative diseases “viruses”, COVID-19
transportation disasters food supply disasters
border crisis assassination
What Planned Emergencies Could Be Coming?
pandemic (“bird flu”) financial crisis
terror attacks war in U.S.A.
civil war martial law
world war major natural disaster
planned, emergency, Pearl Harbor, 9-11, weapons, destruction, ISIS, shooting, climate, change, global warming, earthquake, virus, COVID, assassination, bird flu, financial, crisis, terror, civil, war, martial-law
National Renewal - (on Brighteon)
National Renewal - (on Rumble)
Some members of our society wonder why the “Make America Great Again” movement is so popular. It should be obvious that major improvements are needed.
It is becoming clear to ever more people that high-paying jobs have been lost, high inflation and taxes have hurt the pocketbook, wars have been a waste, infrastructure has deteriorated, crime has become more widespread, stress and health problems have increased, and more people have exhibited bizarre behavior.
Beyond that, more of us are realizing that this has been orchestrated for a long time. The evil cabal of power has maintained a grip on financial, political, bureaucratic and industrial institutions for centuries. They laid out their longstanding intentions for the take down of America about 50 years ago in their document “Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars”.
Meanwhile, aware individuals in key positions who recognized the infiltration and destructive actions of cabal operatives, have been working behind the scenes to expose and eliminate this societal cancer.
The Cabal War on Us
economic servitude & poverty debt-based financial system
taxes & inflation money, banking, bonds & interest
corporate government bureaucratic agencies
limited education false information
propaganda & censorship media & entertainment
staged events psyops & mind control
disasters, shortages social disorder
war reduced rights (eg, Patriot Act)
intelligence operations surveillance & interference
political theater corrupt legal system
poor food choices insufficient nutrition
public poisons fluoride, pharma, ag-chem, SAI
technology (nano, syn bio, AI) medical tyranny & “pandemics”
frequencies cell phones, wi-fi, targeting
crime, criminal operations fraud, bribery & money laundering
human trafficking torture and abuse
fear, threat of harm division & order out of chaos
problem-reaction-solution deception & confusion
There are reports with evidence that the perpetrators of crimes against humanity are being exposed, tried and punished. At the same time, it is indicated that the false corporate state is being dissolved and our original constitutional republic is being restored.
From here we can work together on the renewal of a real nation of freedom, integrity and prosperity.
nation, society, improvement, inflation, taxes, crime, war, health, cabal, power, financial, political, economic, debt, money, corporate, government, education, psyop, legal, poisons, technology, tyranny, fraud, deception
Double Duping? - (on Brighteon)
Many online researchers and analysts are convinced that we are not seeing the real Joe Biden, and maybe not always the real Donald Trump either.
Most world leaders have doubles to fill in at events when the real person is unavailable or as a security measure. This has been done for centuries.
With modern high-tech masks as demonstrated in movies and on TV, as well as voice duplication devices, and probable secret cloning technology in play, we can’t be certain who we are really seeing in political or celebrity appearances.
The most important current example is the Biden candidate for president, who may not be the real person appearing on camera in speeches, debates, press statements and interviews.
Many believe the real Joe Biden has already passed on, and that multiple replacement actors are playing the part. Some are convinced that Trump is sometimes represented by a double as well.
Then there is the theory that Biden was never properly inaugurated anyway, and that he is not really the president. Is Donald Trump still the Commander in Chief?
Is there a major historic military-led operation going on to root out traitors and imposters in important positions?
Who is who, and who is making presidential and military decisions? What is really going on?
double, real, leaders, events, security, high-tech, masks, movies, TV, voice, duplication, cloning, political, celebrity, candidates, president, camera, speech, debate, press, interview, replacement, actor, traitor, positions
June, 2024:
Aware More Resources Research in June, 2024 - (on Brighteon)
Aware More Resources Research in June, 2024 - (on Rumble)
virus, vaccine, COVID, vax, death, mask, disease, ivermectin, poison, parasite, quantum, financial, system, liver, alcohol, reptilian, vril, empire, transhuman, EMF, microwave, weapon, president, truth, narcissism
Silent Weapons Against Us - (on Brighteon)
Silent Weapons Against Us - (on Rumble)
The secret planners behind the cabal that think they are in charge of us all, have a long-term goal of depopulation and control.
Their planned and implemented programs, poisons and frequencies target especially old folks no longer useful in their debt slavery system.
To further their control, they also poison children and young adults to reduce their intelligence, lower their fertility and generate health ailments leading to future medical treatments and profits.
Subjected to fluoride, geo-engineering sprays and other environmental poisons, injected with poisonous concoctions, or killed or harmed in wars, many are weakened or eliminated, and impaired from having children.
Life-span and fertility are limited as health deteriorates to early death.
Since the cabal’s strategy booklet for recruited insiders, Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, was developed a half-century ago, their secret weapon technologies used against us, the people, have evolved.
Frequency weapons, nanotechnology, AI, fake personality doubles and deceptive media have been added to the poisons, germ scares, illness, staged events, disasters, distractions, financial fraud, false narratives, and psychological programming they have used to undermine health and thought for decades.
Do you want to be a walking battery powering an internal syn-bio antenna for external control by AI?
We are becoming much more aware of the strategies of cabal planners and the actions of their operatives. The more this awareness expands, the less influence they will have, even to the point of their manipulations being eliminated.
“Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars”
5th Gen Warfare
directed energy
artificial intelligence
fear, threat of harm division & order out of chaos
problem-reaction-solution deception & confusion
economic servitude & poverty debt-based financial system
taxes & inflation money, banking, bonds & interest
crime, criminal operations fraud, bribery & money laundering
corporate government bureaucratic agencies
limited education false information
propaganda & censorship media & entertainment
staged events psy ops & mind control
disasters, shortages social disorder
war reduced rights (eg, Patriot Act)
intelligence operations surveillance & interference
politics legal system
poor food choices insufficient nutrition
public poisons fluoride, pharma, ag-chem, SAI
technology (nano, syn bio, AI) medical tyranny & “pandemics”
frequencies cell phones, wi-fi, targeting
weapons, war, cabal, depopulation, control, poisons, frequencies, debt, slavery, fertility, health, medical, fluoride, geoengineering, nano-technology, AI, media, disaster, financial, psychological, wi-fi, crime, politics, legal, pandemic
a learning module
“Bird” is the word. You are hearing “bird flu”, also known as “avian flu”, repeated in the deception media frequently now.
The propaganda is underway to suggest another dangerous, highly transmittable “virus” is popping up like popcorn. Is this setting the stage for a new declaration of a “pandemic” before long?
Most of us have not fully realized yet how terrible the COVID experience has been, and especially not how horrific the results yet to come could be. Are the injected slowly developing serious ailments as well as passing harmful toxins to others?
Another round of lab-created biological poisons in the forms of a “virus” and related injections may be devastating.
Like the preplanned COVID experience, which was a dual attack on health and finances, the next intentional disruption is already having its secondary effect. It is decreasing the food supply with the needless culling of many thousands, perhaps millions, of chickens and other livestock.
Will this get to the point of another round of closures, lockdowns, masking and injections? Will the World Health Organization (WHO) take control of our lives and compel more technology shots? Would the horrors that could follow be unbearable?
The crisis that we already face is a greater challenge than any we have faced collectively in our lives.
This medical deception and tyranny must end for humanity to survive and thrive. It is absolutely crucial for enough of us to grasp the gravity of the situation to get this biological horror show stopped before another stage of attack is rolled out.
Cold – Flu – Polio – Epstein-Barr – Lyme – AIDS – SARS – MERS – COVID – Bird Flu – Ebola
genetic modification (GMOs) nanotechnology
syn bio (modified parasites) graphene oxide
self-organizing neural networks frequencies
“At the same time while dealing with a COVID-19 pandemic, we are also on the verge of a hunger pandemic.”
The “World could see famines of ‘biblical proportions’ within months.”
- David Beasley, Executive Director, United Nations World Food Programme
“At least four billion useless eaters shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars, organized epidemics of fatal rapid-acting diseases and starvation. Energy, food and water shall be kept at sustenance levels for the non-elites starting with the white populations of western Europe and North America, and then spreading to other races.
The population of Canada, western Europe and the United States will be decimated more rapidly than the other continents, until the world’s population reaches a manageable level of one billion, of which 500 million will consist of Chinese and Japanese races selected because they are people who have been regimented for centuries and are accustomed to obeying authority without question.”
Klaus Schwabe, COVID-19 - The Great Reset, World Economic Forum
a learning module
bird, flu, avian, propaganda, pandemic, horror, COVID, poison, virus, injections, health, finance, food, supply, lockdown, mask, control, technology, shots, crisis, medical, ebola, genetic, graphene, nanotechnology
Ending Fascism is the USA - (on Brighteon)
Ending Fascism in the USA - (on Rumble)
Fascism is an alliance of power between secret societies, government, and/or organizations, and/or corporations in attempted dominance of the population. It might be called falsely legitimized organized crime.
Fascism has been growing in the USA throughout our history, especially since the Civil War. “Operation Paper Clip” that brought Nazis from Germany into positions in the USA after World War II, embedded fascism here more deeply.
Socialism, Communism and Capitalism can and have been blended while tending to fascism.
Fascism is represented in symbol by a hard-to-break bundle of sticks, representing a united coalition. Find the fasces symbol on the back of a dollar bill in the bundle of arrows held in the talon of the phoenix, and in the bundled sticks on the back of a dime, now in the form of a torch.
Fascism in the USA includes leaders of secretive groups, government officials, spy agencies, many bureaucrats, many lawyers, and portions of the media, social media, the military, the courts, the Federal Reserve and major banks, the medical/pharmaceutical conglomerate, and many large corporations in key industries such as oil, chemicals, technology and defense.
The first step of ending fascism is recognizing and exposing it.
Common elements of fascism include:
~ control of information ~ deception & fraud
~ control of media ~ control of institutions
~ control of law & courts ~ control of policing
~ control of money & banking ~ control of military
~ generation of war profits ~ control/seizure of property & assets
~ control of taxation ~ control of major industries & tech
~ limiting of civil liberties ~ ridicule/suppress opposition
~ curtailing of rights ~ blackmail, threat or termination
The Conglomerate Empire
a learning module
fascism, power, secret, government, corporations, crime, spy, agencies, lawyers, media, military, courts, banks, medical, oil, technology, defense, symbol, money, banking, war, profits, liberties, opposition, rights
, 2024:
Aware More Resources Research - May, 2024 - (on Brighteon)
Aware More Resources Research - May, 2024 - (on Rumble)
These resources have been selected to increase awareness and understanding of the current circumstances of our lives and how to deal with them.
parasites, viruses, vaccines, poisons, frequencies, euthanasia, false, bird-flu, narrative, nanotech, bio-weapon, mind-control, chemicals, plastic, bank, failures, squatters, weapons, consciousness, planet-X, cyborg, control, crisis, fluoride, covid
Eleven Great Falsehoods - (on Brighteon)
Eleven Great Falsehoods - (on Rumble)
We live in an era of many false concepts. Most of these have been generated and promoted by the control cabal.
False narratives produce a false reality, in which most people participate, mostly to their disadvantage.
If we can realize the invalidity of some of these false ideas and spread the knowledge, we can break the spell of the fraudsters, protect ourselves and move into a life of reality.
11 Great Falsehoods
~ U.S., Inc. in Washington, D.C. as legitimate government
~ politicians, bureaucrats, media stars & corp execs as authorities
~ honest, accurate narratives being presented by government & media
~ Federal Reserve Notes & Treasury Bonds as real money
~ Federal Income Tax & IRS as legitimate
~ history & science being accurately portrayed
~ climate change being due to modern lifestyle & carbon emissions
~ “viruses” being a real threat requiring “vaccines” to protect
~ “false flag” staged events like 9-11 & COVID being as described
~ shootings caused by guns being legal to own
~ a religion being the only valid one
falsehood, control, cabal, false, narrative, reality, USA, Washington, government, Federal Reserve, Treasury, money, politician, bureaucrat, media, 9-11, climate, change, lifestyle, shooting, gun, virus, vaccine, religion
Stop the Bio-War - (on Brighteon)
Stop the Bio-War - (on Rumble)
An ongoing series of attacks on the people of this world has been conducted for more than a century by those in positions of power.
Military wars with armaments have been somewhat obvious. However, many of these attacks on the public have been behind-the-scenes in the forms of a “bio-war” incorporating various public poisons, hidden technologies and harmful frequencies.
Biological weapon attacks continue to include poisons in public water, the food supply, the air from pollution and aerosols, and in pharmaceutical medicines and vaccines.
At the same time, since the late 1800’s, a sequence of frequency effects from electric wires, power stations, radio, television, transmission towers, cell phones and wi-fi, have caused physical and mental stress that diminishes health.
Beyond that, mind control methods were developed and expanded with staged terror events, false narratives and propaganda.
Directed Energy Weapons are also at play in weather manipulation, initiating fires and intentional destruction. These attacks often traumatize and even kill people, expanding stress levels.
We need to learn about all this and work together to educate others and stop the perpetrating cabal and these programs seeking to eliminate or control us.
chlorine, fluoride lead, mercury, aluminum, barium
sugar, white flour, margarine junk food
pharmaceuticals, vaccines nuclear radiation
pesticides, herbicides, DDT GMOs, glyphosate
plastics household & personal care chemicals
environmental pollutants geoengineering aerosols
syn-bio parasites (“viruses”) nanotechnology, graphene, hydrogel
electric grid telephone wires
radio television
radar cell phones
wi-fi transmission towers
Directed Energy Weapons
mind control ~ depopulation
bio, war, power, poisons, frequencies, water, food, air, pollution, aerosols, medicine, vaccine, electric, radio, television, cell-phones, wi-fi, nanotechnology, fluoride, nuclear, GMO, glyphosate, geoengineering, parasites, graphene
Deceit Programming - (on Brighteon)
Deceit Programming - (on Rumble)
Deceit is a major tool used by the cabal of control for manipulation of the masses.
The methods, programs and tools of mental influence include: movies, radio, television, mainstream news, pro sports, entertainment, politics, fluoride, aluminum, aspartame, vaccines, medicines, geoengineering aerosols, smart phones, EMF, RF, wi-fi and more.
Most world leaders have doubles. Clones can make an appearance, but may not be able to speak very well.
Many news-dominating events do not happen as described by the advance planners in their narratives.
My policy is to avoid believing what is said or said to happen in politics and the mainstream media.
Those of us awakening to the deceptions would do well to develop creative ways to share this knowledge with others who are less aware.
With enough people knowing the scope of the deception and who is behind it, the process of organizing teams to help change things for the better will be strengthened.
Deceit Programs
“Divide-and-Rule” – “Order-out-of-Chaos” – “Problem-Reaction-Solution”
Deceit– Dis-mis-information – Propaganda – Disruption – Disturbance
Illuminati –Jesuits – Royals – Secret Societies –Think Tanks
United Nations – World Health Org – World Economic Forum
Council on Foreign Relations – Trilateral Commission
Intelligence Agencies – CIA – FBI – MI6 – MI5 – Mossad – etc.
War – “Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars” – 5th Gen Warfare
Psychological Operations (psyops) – Mind Control Programming
Religion – Media – Sports – Radio – Television – Internet
Politics – Political Parties – History
Consensus Science – Controlled Opposition – Alt Media
Financial Fraud System – Fake Money – Federal Reserve – Corporate Fascism
Economic Crisis – Defaulting Bonds – Inflation
Depopulation – Denatured Food – Public Poisons
Water – Food – Medicine – Air
Syn-bio “Viruses” – Vaccines – GMO – Frequencies
Geo-engineering – “Climate Change” – Weather Warfare – Directed Energy Weapons
Agenda 21 – 2030 Agenda
deceit, deception, propaganda, civil war, FED, income, tax, Internal Revenue Service, Social Security, United States, mind control, science, citizen, corporations, poisons, depopulation, medicine, weapons, geoengineering
, 2024:
Defeat Deceit - (on Brighteon)
psyence“, the public poisons for the brain, mass hypnosis and the subtle propaganda of controlled media.In the aftermath of World War II and the rise of Communism, there was a clear perception by most thinking people of the propaganda used by totalitarians and others in positions of influence. People were inclined to question articles, editorials, speeches, etc.
In the 1950’s and 60’s there was still a significant measure of critical thinking built-in to the education process. The ability to identify faulty logic and propaganda fallacy was commonly taught.
Over the last 50 years a gradual transition in education has made it primarily a process of following instructions with authorized information delivered uncritically to be memorized.
The educational system has been modified to be compatible with mind control “
We are presented with the narratives of think tank created concepts, embellished spun stories and staged events. Universities offer the officially prepared versions of most academic subjects, especially history, economics, psychology and sciences.
Deceptive manipulation is the modus operandi of the elitists behind the Complex Conglomerate Empire. The tentacles of deceit run deep and wide, influencing those who believe it, as well as those they agree with or influence.
To the degree that people allow themselves to be subjected to the modalities and technologies of preoccupation, deception and mind control, they are thinking and operating within false realities.
Deceit Events
Civil War – United States, Inc. – District of Columbia – United States Territories
FED – Income Tax – Internal Revenue Service – Social Security – United States Citizen
Statutory Maritime Contract Law – Corporations
Spanish-American War – Lusitania – World War I – Pearl Harbor – World War II
Assassinations – Lincoln – Kennedy – King – Kennedy
Korean War – Viet Nam War – 911 – Afghanistan War – Iraq War
Gladio – Al Qaeda – Osama Bin Laden – ISIS
Smith-Mundt Modernization Act
Sandy Hook – Parkland Florida – Las Vegas – etc.
George Floyd Police Brutality – BLM – ANTIFA
Diseases – Heart Disease – Cancer – Diabetes
Multiple Sclerosis – Parkinson’s – Alzheimer’s – Dementia, etc.
“Viruses” – Flu – Polio – Epstein-Barr – Lyme – AIDS – COVID – Bird Flu – Ebola
Jan 6, 2021 “insurrection” – Impeachments – Congressional Hearings – Trials
deceit, deception, propaganda, civil war, FED, income, tax, Internal Revenue Service, Social Security, United States, mind control, science, citizen, corporations, poisons, depopulation, medicine, weapons, geoengineering
Avoiding Public Poisons - (on Brighteon)
Avoiding Public Poisons - (on Rumble)
For more than a century, the population has been subjected to a growing variety and increasing amounts of mass public poisons. We are routinely receiving multiple poisons in small doses on purpose. Some of these are harmfully affecting you and your loved ones continuously.
The depopulation agenda of the cabal has resulted in development of a variety of harmful biological weapons. Through water, food, air, medicines and household products, we have been attacked by a sequence of chemicals, synthetic biology, nanotechnology and frequencies to reduce intelligence, foster illness and shorten lives.
It is time to stop dissemination of these harmful attacks, introduce benign replacements and detoxify the accumulated poisons from our bodies and environment for better health and restoration of nature.
Public Poisons Must Stop
chlorine, fluoride, bromine lead, aluminum, mercury, cadmium
denatured food, refined sugar food additives (corn syrup, aspartame, BGH)
herbicides (glyphosate, atrazine) pesticides (DDT, organophosphates)
petrochemicals propylene glycol, sodium lauryl (laureth) sulfate
plastics (BPA, BPS, micro-plastic) industrial chemicals (PCBs, dioxin)
pharma meds, vaccines, venoms geoengineering (barium, aluminum)
syn bio (COVID, parasites) genetic modification (GMOs)
graphene oxide nanotechnology
electrification cell towers, wi-fi, frequencies
poisons, depopulation, biological, weapons, water, food, medicine, chemicals, nanotechnology, frequencies, nature, fluoride, aluminum, mercury, herbicides, glyphosate, pesticides, propylene glycol, plastic, geoengineering, GMO, graphene oxide, wi-fi
False Flag War Events - (on Brighteon)
False Flag War Events - (on Rumble)
From more conventional wars like World Wars I & II, Viet Nam and Iraq, to today’s unconventional hidden warfare, false flags are commonly used to start and/or intensify them.
A false flag is an intentionally-developed trouble event ascribed to a party or cause other than the actually responsible party. The term comes from the practice of a pirate ship flying the flag of a ship they were approaching to attack.
In recent years we are experiencing disasters that are false flags that most people do not realize are war events. Some of these are considered natural occurrences or accidents that are really purposely developed or directed.
Examples of Probable False Flags
Pearl Harbor Gulf of Tonkin
9-11 World Trade Ctr Various shootings
Directed Hurricanes DEW attacks
COVID Border Invasion
Key Bridge, Baltimore
false flag, war, disaster, accidents, shootings, border, Pearl Harbor, 9-11, DEW, hurricanes, COVID, Key Bridge, climate change, geoengineering
March, 2024:
Survive the Emerging War - (on Brighteon)
Survive the Emerging War - (on Rumble)
We are in the midst of a wide-ranging war for control of our social systems and minds. Much of this war has been hidden from public attention as it involves mostly unconventional warfare.
Poisons, biological weapons, Directed Energy Weapons, nanotechnology, Artificial Intelligence, infiltration, surveillance, data-mining, psychological operations, mind programming and disinformation are in play, as well as conventional military equipment.
What are called the “white hats” are those working to expose and stop tyranny by the cabal of longstanding wealthy families and their operatives. Great progress has been made, and a growing number of people are becoming aware.
However, those remaining evil actors on the dark side still have the potential to generate mass chaos with the agents and technologies they control.
It is crucial for people to understand that no matter how our lifestyle has been for many years, major changes can occur rapidly, even suddenly. Every household needs to be prepared for disturbances in the normal avenues of distribution of food, water, electricity and other necessities.
If the power were out, how would you get food or water after a couple of days? What would others in your community do? How far could you go on just the fuel in your tank if none were available to buy or trade?
What if natural or unnatural disasters caused roads to be blocked or destroyed so delivery trucks could not get through? What if there was little or no access to fuel? Transportation systems would be disrupted, and deliveries of food, water and other supplies would be curtailed or very limited.
It is possible for the power grid as well as batteries of most types to be knocked out by an electromagnetic pulse (EMP). It could take years to restore the grid to normal functioning after massive damage. It may take even longer to replace vehicles and appliances damaged by an electro-magnetic zap.
The amount of food stocked in local grocery stores would be gone in one day or less as people realize that supplies may not be replenished. They currently only stock enough of most items for about 3 days of routine sales. They would not even be able to operate without power.
Disaster scenarios have already happened on a large scale in many areas in the U.S.A. and around the world. Food supplies for much of the world have been short for many years now. A major setback like flooding in the Midwest can cut the food supply severely. How long before such a disaster makes food an urgent concern for almost everyone?
What if temperature extremes greatly reduce the areas that crops can grow to maturity? What if there were a mid-summer freeze, or the other extreme of burning heat and drought, that kills plants in the fields?
What if a major volcanic eruption blanketed the world in an ash cloud that ruins production of crops?
What if a pandemic prompts the authorities to lock down people in their residences?
Federal and state emergency services are woefully inadequate, and may barely function in a situation such as a major earthquake, a tsunami, a volcanic blast, a poisonous gas cloud, or loss of all electrical power.
Food storage and storing water are at the top of the list of preparedness. It is crucial to keep enough of these on hand for several weeks at the very least for everyone in your household. Some of those who have already prepared for such emergencies have enough survival supplies for six months, a year or more, which is wise.
It is also wise to have viable vegetable seeds, tools, soil building aids and other materials on hand for subsistence gardening, even indoors if necessary.
With increasing awareness of the possibly difficult years ahead, people are now more inclined than ever to put up food supplies for times of shortage, and to take steps to have pure water to consume, alternative methods of warmth and waste management, and other necessities.
Major crises are happening now. These could get worse, and other looming troubles may develop. You can avoid the shock and panic of sudden changes. Preparing is very sensible and important.
Survival Concerns
Cultic control cabal Financial disruption
Public poisons Depopulation - jabs
Geoengineering Climate change
– not global warming, not carbon emissions, not caused by human overpopulation and activities -- Grand Solar Minimum + weather manipulation
Directed Energy Weapons Destroyed foods, shortage, starvation
– weather manipulation, reduced sun, supply chain disruption, paid not to plant or harvest
Wars, staged events Social chaos
Cyber attack Power outage
Mind control Nanotechnology, AI, transhumanism
Eclipse, meteors Earthquakes, volcanoes, storms, wind
Survival Essentials
food & water storage supplements & meds
seeds, garden, chickens tools and equipment
detoxification natural health & healing practices
alternative heating alternative power
warm clothes, blankets candles, oil lamps, batteries
exchange items foods, tools, silver coins
support community protection plan
survive, war, social, poisons, weapons, nanotechnology, AI, data-mining, psyops, mind, disinformation, military, cabal, depopulation, geoengineering, climate, cyber, power, transhumanism, eclipse, earthquakes, alternative, food, water, survival
Changes are inevitable. They are affected by both internal and external factors.
The greatest challenges are in identifying when changes are manipulated intentionally by hidden influencers to our detriment, and figuring out who, why, how and what to do to block or counter those plans.
The secret societies, think tanks and corporate boards of the transnational complex empire, owned and operated by extremely wealthy power players, are attacking the rest of us on multiple fronts.
From the planned and staged multi-front distribution of public poisons, to the wars, the geoengineering weather manipulation called “climate change”, other Directed Energy Weapons disasters, the economic crisis, the pandemic and shots, food source destruction to create famine, and the long-practiced deception and psychological operations, we have a lot of changes to sort through and correct.
Survive the Changes
public poisons detoxification & nutrition
wars remove war-mongers, promote peace
geoengineering expose and demand it stop
Directed Energy disasters expose and arrest perpetrators
economic collapse cooperation, real goods, real money
pandemic, poison shots expose virus & vaccine myths, detox
food crisis grow food, gardening, chickens
deception & psy ops research, expose, reality analysis
Aware More Resources Research
changes, transformation, plans, secret, societies, think-tank, corporate, empire, wealthy, power, poisons, wars, geoengineering, weather, manipulation, climate, energy, weapons, disasters, economic, crisis, pandemic, famine, deception, psychological
Gold, Silver and the Dollar - (on Brighteon)
Gold, Silver and the Dollar - (on Rumble)
The Dollar
The term “Dollar” is defined as a weight and is supposed to be 371.25 grains of silver. So, a real silver dollar contained that amount. (Note: pre-65 dimes, quarters, halves and silver dollars are 90% silver.)
$20.67 was the set value of an ounce of gold, “the $20 gold piece”, until the “Great Depression” bankruptcy of 1933. The government under FDR called in the gold from the hands of the public and reset the value at $35 per ounce. (Ie., the dollar was worth less.)
Nonetheless, at the end of World War II, the U.S. Dollar was made the “world reserve currency”, backed by U.S. economic and military might, as well as the pile of gold at Fort Knox.
Beginning in 1965, they took the silver out of U.S. mint coinage. This soon made U.S. silver content coins of 1964 and earlier worth more than their face value, far more by now!
In 1971, the government under Nixon “closed the dollar-gold exchange window”, as too much gold was being redeemed by foreign nations. This divorced the dollar from gold.
Then it became the “fiat dollar”, purely government-mandated “legal tender”. It was only U.S. economic and military might that sustained the dollar in world use.
A few years later the “Mideast oil crisis” led to shortages and higher prices of gasoline in the U.S. Henry Kissinger negotiated a deal with Saudi Arabia and OPEC to have only the dollar used in petroleum sales. The “petrodollar” enforced by worldwide U.S. military and intelligence presence, kept the fiat dollar floating for 50 more years.
Even so, inflation and interest rates reached about 20% by 1980. Since then, inflation has lessened but never disappeared. Also, the government has altered the calculations and falsified the economic statistics for decades.
But now the petrodollar is over. The crash of 2008 and 2009 foretold the eventual end of the fake dollar and its paper asset house of cards.
Other nations have been selling off their U.S. bonds and are trading in other currencies, as they are less intimidated by U.S. force.
By now, there are few buyers of U.S. bond issues other than the FED fake funds factory. Yet the national debt increases by another trillion dollars about every 120 days, every 4 months.
This is unsustainable. Bonds are going into default; many banks may close; the fiat dollar is buying less and less, and it may be destroyed by hyperinflation, replaced or changed before long.
Gold and Silver Prices
Gold and silver prices, most notable indicators of the dollar’s perceived worth, have been carefully suppressed for decades using commodity contracts.
Meanwhile, crypto-currency has become a pressure release valve for bailing dollars out of bonds and stocks without driving up the prices of gold and silver so fast as to shock the system.
The BRICS trading group of nations likes gold and is accumulating it, as people in India and China have for centuries. BRICS is growing and may adopt asset-backed currency.
Now that Shanghai has become the leading center of gold trading, the City-of-London based gold price control system is no longer working.
In any case, the value of gold and silver is constant as currency values change.
As the fiat dollar and its related paper instruments dissolve, silver and gold will hold until there is something else worth exchanging them for in trade.
Be glad the dollar is dying. This fake money system has funded horrifying evil, and it is on track for a major decline.
It is my thought to get the bulk of my financial wherewithal into survival necessities, including silver and gold. Dollar-denominated paper and digital assets may not fare as well.
Real Money
~ Money in the bank is
not yours. The bank can use it for their own needs when in trouble and stop your access.~
The money is not in the bank. Cash on hand in a bank is limited to the needs of the day. Most of the assets of the bank are tied up in over-valued U.S. Treasury debt about to go into default and shaky mortgages and business loans.~ What is called "money", cash or digital, is not really money. It is "fiat" currency that the government calls "legal tender", with diminishing value due to excessive production of it.
Any extra funds are best put into food, necessities, water purification, supplements, seeds and tools, while accumulating silver and gold, the real money. Gold is rated a” Tier 1” asset.
Storable food, water, fuel, silver and gold are the real value items, and may even become what people trade for other goods and services if there is a complete collapse of the dollar system.
Remember, dollar devaluation = gold and silver appreciation.
Gold, Silver & the Dollar
“dollar” is to be a weight 371.25 grains of silver
gold was $20.67 per ounce reset to $35 per ounce
“world reserve currency” 1965 – silver-less coins
1971 – gold-less dollar 1973 – “petrodollar”
inflation, interest rates growing natl. debt – ($34 trillion?)
$84 trillion with obligations + $1 trillion every 120 days
2008-9 crash COVID-19 lockdown
BRICS non-dollar trade
bond rejection bond default
bank insolvency potential crash of dollar assets
gold & silver price suppression silver price under-valued greatly
stability of real assets own silver and gold
dollar devaluation = gold & silver appreciation
gold, silver, dollar, depression, government, coins, value, exchange, fiat, legal tender, economic, military, shortage, prices, gasoline, petrodollar, inflation, bonds, default, banks, currency, money, asset, trade
Survival Factors - (on Brighteon)
Survival Factors - (on Rumble)
We are living in a challenging time. A multi-faceted attack on the population by a cabal of psychopaths has been facilitated with advanced technologies that have been hidden from the public.
Mass poisoning has gone on for more than a century, disabling and killing many early.
Hypnotic mind manipulation via controlled media news, politics and entertainment, in conjunction with intelligence-reducing chemicals and frequencies, has distracted and brainwashed people to be unaware of the threats to their survival.
A growing number of people are awakening to these problems and supporting those who are exposing them and working to stop the cabal behind them in a long process of making things better.
Meanwhile, we must be prepared to survive the problems that the manipulators have deployed.
Survival Issues
financial fraud economic manipulation
deception staged false events
wars crime, invasion
environmental poisons geoengineering
poisons in food & water food shortages, starvation
medical poisons nanotechnology & AI
frequencies Directed Energy Weapons
cut communications power outage
Survival Factors
food & water storage supplements & meds
seeds, garden, chickens tools and equipment
detoxification natural health & healing practices
alternative heating alternative power
warm clothes, blankets candles, oil lamps, batteries
exchange items foods, tools, silver coins
support community protection plan
survival, technologies, poison, hypnotic, politics, entertainment, intelligence, chemicals, financial, fraud, deception, wars, crime, invasion, geoengineering, shortage, medical, nanotechnology, AI, frequencies, power, natural, detoxification, healing, support
February, 2024:
Inflationary Depression - (on Brighteon)
Inflationary Depression - (on Rumble)
The U.S. government debt is more than the stated $34 trillion, due to obligations such as Social Security, federal pensions and foreign aid. With federal government and military waste involved, this debt is growing at an accelerated rate.
The Federal Reserve is unable to find real buyers for U.S. Treasury bonds anymore, even though they have reduced bond maturities to as little as 2 years and raised interest rates.
So, they "monetize" the debt by just creating more dollars out of nothing, a recipe for hyper-inflation.
Many foreign governments have begun unloading U.S. Treasury debt, rather than rolling it over.
More and more nations are now trading without using the dollar, which had been the "world reserve currency" since World War II. A growing number of nations are considering conducting trade before long using only asset-backed currencies.
They know the U.S. government is beyond bankrupt.
Many foreign suppliers are unwilling to accept even short-term treasury bills as payment anymore, so there are fewer imports and developing shortages.
Banks are in trouble as higher interest rates have lowered the value of their bond, mortgage and commercial real estate holdings. Many of them are hiding their insolvency.
~ Money in the bank is not yours. The bank can use it for their own needs when in trouble and end your access.
~ The money is not in the bank. Cash on hand in a bank is limited to the needs of the day. Most of the assets of the bank are tied up in over-valued U.S. Treasury debt about to go into default and shaky mortgages and business loans.
~ What is called "money", cash or digital, is not really money. It is "fiat" currency that the government calls "legal tender", with diminishing value due to excessive production of it.
The U.S. economy is already in an inflationary depression, with shortages, layoffs, and unemployment and inflation much higher than the fake government stats.
Aspects of Inflationary Depression
false inflation stats shortages & higher prices
false job growth stats false unemployment stats
corporate sales decline layoffs
rejection of U.S. bonds abandonment of U.S. dollar
bond default monetization of debt
false money false control of assets
bank insolvency bank asset losses (bonds, loans, properties)
real estate sales decline commercial real estate vacancy
gold price strengthening asset-backed currencies
inflation, depression, government, bond, dollar, debt, reserve, foreign, nations, asset, currency, bankrupt, shortage, banks, money, cash, real-estate, mortgage, loans, default, business, unemployment, layoff, silver, gold
Crises That Hurt in Progress - (on Brighteon)
Crises That Hurt in Progress - (on Rumble)
The crises of our time that are hurting each of us are increasing in both number and intensity.
The global control bigwigs and their crew of operatives are making moves to reestablish their momentum and complete the dominance they have intended.
Can the “white hat alliance” counter and resolve the cabal-engineered crises and bring us to a better world?
Crises in Progress
public poisons geoengineering
lethal strain of COVID Disease-x, Marburg
compelled injections injection deaths, disabilities
nanotechnology, AI radiation, frequencies, wi-fi, DEWs
weather manipulation crop failure/destruction
divide & rule social chaos
false narratives fake people, actors
political deception corporate state vs. republic
election fraud , manipulation election suspension
border disorder terrorism, sabotage, fires, cyber attacks
domestic war, martial law international war
crises, global, control, operative, dominance, white-hat, alliance, cabal, world, poisons, geoengineering, COVID, Disease-X, death, nanotechnology, AI, radiation, frequencies, weather, divide, chaos, election, border, republic, war
Border Disorder - (on Brighteon)
What is really going on at the southern border?
What is estimated at as many as 10 million migrants have illegally crossed the southern USA border in the last few years. Many if not most of these are single military age men, a lot of them Chinese. Some of the invaders are MS-13 gang members. There are also families and many children, some of whom may be victims of child trafficking.
Federal border agents have been limited to processing the entrants who come through facilities, and dealing with incidents of trouble. Many of the migrants come through common breaks in the wall and do not go through processing.
Finally, the State of Texas has taken their own actions such as floating barriers in the river and razor-wire, which the Federal government has tried to stop. Now there is an apparent standoff crisis between those serving Texas, including National Guard and law enforcement from Texas and various other states, and federal agents. So far, these extra players are not stopping the flow of migrants.
A convoy of trucks and cars bringing border security supporters is arriving at sites in Texas, Arizona and California in to rally for border closure.
Has the invasion been about an influx of socialist voters? Is it a cabal plan for generating Civil War? Are white-hats allowing it for purpose of public awakening and exposure of treason?
Will this escalate into conflict or secession of some states? Or is this more theater as a distraction from other areas of crisis, such as economic collapse or world war? Or is this the prelude to revelation of fraud and a change in apparent political leadership?
Border Disorder Issues
millions of migrants military age men
Chinese soldiers MS-13
terrorists sleeper-cells
human trafficking - children drugs, weapons
social crisis, crime expense
Border Patrol National Guard
open gates in wall convoy – patriot militia
What is really going on at the southern border?
What is estimated at as many as 10 million migrants have illegally crossed the southern USA border in the last few years. Now there is an apparent standoff crisis between those serving Texas, including National Guard and law enforcement from Texas and various other states, and federal agents.
Will this escalate into conflict or secession of some states? Or is this more theater as a distraction from other areas of crisis, such as economic collapse or world war? Or is this the prelude to revelation of fraud and a change in apparent political leadership?
border, migrants, military, wall, Texas, barriers, razor-wire, standoff, crisis, National Guard, convoy, socialist, treason, war, Chinese, soldiers, terrorist, sleeper-cells, trafficking, children, drugs, weapons, crime
January, 2024:
World Economic Fascism - (on Brighteon)
World Economic Fascism - (on Rumble)
The cabal creeps leading and serving the World Economic Forum want a “Great Reset” to a fascist “New World Order”, which is actually high-tech feudal slavery.
These evil tyrants want a greatly reduced population with lowered intelligence, infused with control technology, run by AI via wi-fi frequencies, and living in restricted high-tech urban zones of limitation and surveillance.
Such elites like the WEF’s Klaus Schwab and Yuval Harari consider humans as “hackable animals” without souls. They have also stated that the story of Jesus was the original “fake news”, and claimed to have their own divine powers of creation and destruction.
Cabal staged events so far this century include: 9-11, 2008-09 financial crash, COVID “pandemic”, election manipulation, resource theft wars, migrant invasions, weather disasters, ecological disasters, climate change propaganda, trafficking of drugs, weapons and humans, and child slavery.
These criminal operations are being exposed and must be eliminated. However, the evil elite few, their operatives and their black-mailed players are worried and desperate over this awakening and may engineer a major event in trying to distract the masses and regain momentum for control.
Fascist Plans
bond & banking crisis economic collapse
false flag attacks activation of sleeper cells
staged events, terrorism, wars assassinations
political upheaval “climate change” weather disasters
“Disease-X” lab-fab “virus” pandemic lockdowns, injections
cyber-attacks EMP, power outage
activation of nanotechnology wi-fi mind control, AI or ET takeover
15-minute cities “own nothing & be happy”
world, economic, fascism, cabal, forum, great-reset, new-world-order, slavery, control, technology, surveillance, domination, banking, social, city-states, military, pandemic, financial, attacks, wars, invasion, mind-control, climate-change, weapon, disease-x
Collapse, Disease-X or War? - (on Brighteon)
Collapse, Disease-X or War? - (on Rumble)
With Reality Notes ~ Aware More Resources, 1-25-24
The agents of tyranny are desperately trying to create disturbances and death through poisoning, disease pandemics, financial collapse, invasions, war, frequencies and other ways, to complete their long progression toward full dominance.
Will economic collapse, “Disease-X” or war be the next phase of their efforts?
Apeel Preservative on Commercial Organic Produce:
Mike Gill Describes the Widespread Corruption with Michelle Moore:
Texans Discussing Dispute with Biden over Border Security:
Alpha Interviews Dr Jim Willie on Likely Collapse:
Dr Jim Willie Update:
Dr Peter McCullough Interviewed by Shannon Joy:
collapse, Disease-x, war, tyranny, death, poison, pandemic, financial, invasion, frequencies, dominance, prediction, time, preservative, organic, plandemic, davos, zombies, corruption
Awareness of Deception, Distraction & Disruption - (on Brighteon)
Awareness of Deception, Distraction & Disruption - (on Rumble)
The wealthy parasite class and their team of criminal operatives have manipulated us into another multi-faceted crisis.
The situation has become more complicated than previous intentional disasters and other disruptions, such as the many attacks, wars, pandemics and economic challenges our nation has endured for most of its history.
Since the cabal’s strategy booklet for recruited insiders, Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, was developed a half-century ago, their secret weapon technologies used against us, the people, have evolved.
Frequency weapons, nanotechnology, AI, fake personality doubles and deceptive media have been added to the poisons, germ scares, illness, staged events, disasters, distractions, financial fraud, false narratives, and psychological programming they have used to undermine health and thought for decades.
We are becoming much more aware of the strategies of cabal planners and the actions of their operatives. The more this awareness expands, the less influence they will have, even to the point of their manipulations being eliminated.
Deception, Disturbance and Distraction
financial & economic crisis bond default
invasion staged events, attacks, wars
false narratives mind control manipulation
crime, drugs, slavery poisons, frequencies
lab-fab “germs”, illness lockdowns, injections
disasters (weather, environment) earthquakes
genetic alteration nanotechnology, AI
cyber-attacks EMP, power outage
ET alien threat deaths, confusion
increasing public awareness end of cabal control
currency revisions banking improvements
human trafficking revelation exposure & prosecution of criminals
good political changes legitimate honest governance
integration of new technologies community betterment
awareness, deception, distraction, crisis, disasters, weapons, nanotechnology, poisons, illness, financial, fraud, attacks, wars, pandemics, economic, manipulation, invasion, mind, control, crime, slavery, injection, weather, cyber, death
With Reality Notes, 1-17-24
The cabal families that have controlled most of the world’s trade - financial institutions, oil, pharmaceuticals, agribusiness, manufacturing, military products, transportation and more - are being exposed and diminished in their effectiveness.
These tyrants are desperately trying to create disturbances and death through poisoning, pandemics, invasions, war and other modalities, to regain their momentum toward full dominance. They have brought us to be nearly on the brink of chaos.
Meanwhile, exposure of cabal manipulations, as well as actions to remove these parasites and their operatives from positions of power need to be expanded to end the troubles they perpetually plan and drum up.
cabal, control, trade, financial, oil, pharmaceuticals, agribusiness, manufacturing, military, transportation, tyrants, poison, disaster, distraction, invasion, confusion, war, chaos, dominance, exposure, manipulation, power, trouble, plan
The Complex Empire - (on Brighteon)
The Complex Empire - (on Rumble)
The power cabal has long manipulated financial markets, economic conditions and political and bureaucratic officials, while poisoning and psychologically abusing the populace.
With increasing exposure of their deceptions, fraud and evil criminal acts, these parasites and their operatives are losing power. Their desperate attempts to restore full control put us in jeopardy of serious harm from staged disasters and secret weapons.
Awareness, planning, cooperation and preparation are our processes to combat this sinister agenda and root out the perpetrators to make a better world for genuine human beings.
Empire Economics & Politics
money debt
financial markets
banking economic crisis
politicians corruption
agenda election fraud
problem creation staged events
disasters terrorism
public poisons migrant invasion
crime trafficking humans, drugs, weapons
slavery human abuse
psychological manipulation false narrative propaganda
domestic war world war
cabal exposure crisis
empire, power, cabal, financial, markets, economic, political, psychological, deception, fraud, evil, control, disasters, secret, weapons, planning, agenda, politics, money, debt, poisons, invasion, crime, war, crisis
Reality Notes & Resources, 1-11-24 - (on Brighteon)
Reality Notes & Resources, 1-11-24 - (on Rumble)
This week’s Reality Notes looks at resources and recent posts about economics and politics.
There are numerous online podcasters, vloggers, bloggers, roundtables and forums from which to find what is on the minds of those paying attention to what is going on in the world.
Considering what the whistleblower insiders and respected investigators and analysts are presenting gives us prime material for better understanding.
The Cabal Empire:
Dr. Jim Willie Analyzes the Year Ahead on Patriot Underground:
Mike Gill Debates Kerry Cassidy Moderated by Patriot Underground:
SG Anon on Current Affairs with Nino Rodriguez:
Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes on Election Fraud and More:
More on Bond Default from Dr. Jim Willie, PhD:
USA Debt Clock:
economics, politics, world, whistleblower, analyst, cabal, empire, survive, changes, white-hat, black-hat, election, fraud, fake, inauguration, corporate, treasury, bond, bubble, default, debt, clock
Fall of the Cabal Empire - (on Brighteon)
Fall of the Cabal Empire - (on Rumble)
The cabal of wealthy criminals in public and private seats of power have been conducting a secret war against the rest of us for decades. At the same time an alliance of “white-hat” operatives have worked to expose and take down the cabal.
Some operatives of the good side have infiltrated cabal manipulated institutions to help, while others have worked openly to expose and defeat the agents of evil.
Indications are that much is about to be revealed to the public, but there could be disturbing information and even disaster events that harm or shock many as the falling cabal intensifies efforts to regain control.
Last Days of the Cabal
bond rejection bond default
bank failure economic crisis
invasion terrorism
domestic war world war
genetic weapons cloning, super soldiers
slavery human abuse
cabal exposure psychological crisis
Leave the World Behind Civil War
cabal, empire, power, secret, war, alliance, white-hat, evil, disaster, shock, control, bond, default, bank, economic, crisis, invasion, terrorism, domestic, genetic, weapons, cloning, slavery, psychological, civil
For a better understanding of social control systems see:
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positive momentum for better
Yeswise Inspiry
brief video blog-casts
a wellspring of inspiration and awareness
holistic reality, creative mind and well-being
yeswise positive wisdom for a wild worried world
natural health, healing, mind, betterment, philosophy, holistic reality
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